Fundamentos Be Body Positive

During this difficult time in the world, there is added pressure to take care of ourselves. But how do we know what feels right for our unique lives?


Access for four months

It seems that everywhere we turn, we’re subjected to new fears and anxieties about the state of the world, and there are still many concerns about our health due to COVID-19. When our lives are disrupted on such a large scale, it’s easy to fall into old ways of coping, like focusing on what we don’t like about our bodies, starting a restrictive diet, compulsively overeating, or being extra critical of all parts of ourselves. The world is chaotic right now and it’s hard to know where to focus.

We’re here to support you.

With the Be Body Positive Fundamentals course, you have the opportunity to learn new skills to support your physical and emotional self-care, which will also support the people around you who are struggling.

The 5 Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model are powerful resources that will give you renewed energy to focus on taking care of your body, helping others, and maintaining equilibrium. The course is comprised of five modules, one for each Competency:

  • Reclaim Health
  • Practice Intuitive Self-Care
  • Cultivate Self-Love
  • Declare Your Own Authentic Beauty
  • Build Community

These are fundamental skills we can practice on a daily basis to live in our bodies with more freedom and joy. Proficiency with these skills allows us to care for ourselves from a place of self-love and appreciation, leading to closer alignment with our purpose and life goals. Our Model defines health as the interconnectedness of physical, psychological, and emotional needs in human beings. The Competencies establish foundational building blocks that honor individual authority as the primary path to positive change.

Rather than dictating a restrictive or prescriptive set of rules to follow, we share practical tools, inspiration, and support to empower people to find their own way to improved health and greater happiness. As a result, we are able to reach a widely diverse group of people, helping to heal those who struggle with issues such as poor self-care, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, self-harming behaviors, substance abuse, and weight cycling.

Studies done at Stanford, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania showed that The 5 Competencies of our Be Body Positive Model had a lasting positive effect on people’s relationships with their bodies, self-image, and self-care.

Course Features

  • With the videos in these courses, Connie and Elizabeth bring their warmth, humor, experience, and wisdom right into your living room. Hear their personal stories, meditate with them, and let them guide you through the practices they have been using to help people heal from negative body image for decades.

  • Digest the content with thought-provoking worksheets, which you can print and write on by hand, or type on directly and save onto your computer.

  • Close your eyes and get in touch with your past, present, and future selves, connect with the earth, and uncover the roots of your struggles with your body image with our soothing audio meditations.

“Taking this course, I came away with some powerful truths and a-ha moments! I realized how much I still hold on to internalized societal standards and how my inner critic brings in moments of doubt, leading me to return to the belief that my shape and my body need to change to conform. My new mantra is that society needs to change, not the shape of my body!! So much wonderful stuff! I could go on and on!”
— Be Body Positive Fundamentals Course Participant

About the Course

In the Fundamentals course, The Body Positive’s co-founders, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, LCSW, CEDS-S, share powerful resources you can use to lovingly care for yourself. Through engaging teaching and storytelling, videos, guided meditations, and worksheets, you can do your own self-exploration with the course material. As one participant shared, “I could feel Connie and Elizabeth’s warmth and understanding through my computer screen.”

You’ll gain tools to overcome the obstacles that block you from:

  • Being as kind to yourself as you are to others
  • Learning and growing through making “mistakes”
  • Developing sustainable eating and exercise habits
  • Trusting your intuitive wisdom to help you make choices—big and small
  • Having a relationship with your body and beauty that is connected to your life force
  • Living with more freedom, confidence, and joy—and finding humor in being human!

  • You will have access to the course content for four months from the date of registration.

    Are you a parent who wants to learn how to help your child have a more positive relationship with their body? The Fundamentals Course is the place to start. You’ll learn strategies you can share with your kids, supportive language to use while discussing body image issues, and, most important, how to model positive body image for them.

    The Fundamentals course comprises Part 1 of the Be Body Positive Facilitator Training. If you found the Fundamentals beneficial and choose to become a licensed facilitator, you will gain access to our comprehensive, research-based group curricula. Once you’ve completed the Fundamentals, we will send you Part 2 of the Facilitator Training for just $349.

    Should you decide to become a licensed facilitator directly, go to the Be Body Positive Facilitator Training page for more information.

    If you are a treatment provider, the Fundamentals course gives you tools to help your clients who struggle with body image and eating problems. Master’s-level therapists and registered dietitians receive 11.5 Continuing Education Hours for taking this course. Learn more. If you want to become a licensed faciltator right away so you can teach our curriculum in individual or group sessions (both in person and online), earn 21.5 Continuing Education Hours for taking the Be Body Positive Facilitator Training.

    Meet Your Instructors

    Connie Sobczak & Elizabeth Scott

    Connie Sobczak, Founder, Executive Director, The Body Positive
    Connie’s experience with an eating disorder in her teen years and the death of her sister Stephanie inspired her life’s work to help people live with more appreciation and love for their precious bodies. She founded The Body Positive in honor of Stephanie, and to ensure that her daughter Carmen and other children would grow up in a new world—one where people are free to focus on the things in life that really matter. Connie is the author of Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!), her book in which she reconnects readers to their essence, authentic beauty, and life force. She uses her creative skills to produce The Body Positive’s curricula, videos, digital courses, and facilitator trainings. Connie’s passion is watching the light that emerges when people recognize and embrace their magnificent, authentic selves.

    Elizabeth Scott, LSCW, CEDS-S, Founder, Director of Training, The Body Positive
    Elizabeth is an educator and psychotherapist whose work focuses on the intersection of embodiment, social justice and mindfulness. As Co-Founder and Director of Training for The Body Positive, Elizabeth has taught treatment professionals, educators and students to use the Be Body Positive prevention model to promote joyful embodiment and excellent self-care since 1997. She studies Insight Meditation and has a private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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